Unlike other Databases the Query Processing happens in the hardware and not much of the proceesing happening in the CPU thus leading to more optimized use of CPU.
Parellel Processing :
When we create a table with 1000 rows in Netezza with 10 snippets,the data will be spread across
all the 10 snippets,having 100 rows each.
This enables parellel processing thus improving the efficiency of the Server .
Netezza Appliance :
The disks ,Blades also called as Nodes and two redundant modes active and passive.
Node :
Each node has its own CPU,Memory and a specified unit called FPGA(Filed programmable Gate Array) which does lot of things to increase the processing speed of Netezza.
Each node is connected only to a specific set of disks .
Query Execution:
The FPGA retreives the compressed data from the disk thereby reducing the IO and uncompress the data and it projects only the columns required in the query and also restrict the visibility(where clause).and sends the output to CPU.
After all this only the other operations like aggregation or joins are done in CPU.
1.It is quite useful in the olap or Data warehousing environment .
2.Parellel Processing increases the performance of the Netezza Many folds.
3.Optimal Use of CPU
Disadvantages :
1.No rollback of transactions
2.No constraints can be forced
Parellel Processing :
When we create a table with 1000 rows in Netezza with 10 snippets,the data will be spread across
all the 10 snippets,having 100 rows each.
This enables parellel processing thus improving the efficiency of the Server .
Netezza Appliance :
The disks ,Blades also called as Nodes and two redundant modes active and passive.
Node :
Each node has its own CPU,Memory and a specified unit called FPGA(Filed programmable Gate Array) which does lot of things to increase the processing speed of Netezza.
Each node is connected only to a specific set of disks .
Query Execution:
The FPGA retreives the compressed data from the disk thereby reducing the IO and uncompress the data and it projects only the columns required in the query and also restrict the visibility(where clause).and sends the output to CPU.
After all this only the other operations like aggregation or joins are done in CPU.
1.It is quite useful in the olap or Data warehousing environment .
2.Parellel Processing increases the performance of the Netezza Many folds.
3.Optimal Use of CPU
Disadvantages :
1.No rollback of transactions
2.No constraints can be forced